Wednesday 9 June 2010

Louis Vuitton's New London 'Maison' shows Dunhill how to do a London Home properly.

Recently (well last year) Dunhill opened a new store in Bourdon House in Bourdon Street, lauded as a 'House' rather than a store, it was designed to be a go to one-stop-shop for all man related things that you could essentially visit and not need to leave, incorporating a gentlemans club ala st james's elite venues, a bar, barber shop, bespoke floor, and limited edition exclusives only to that store.  After having done this the Jermyn Street store was closed as being regarded as redundant.

Less than 6 months after the opening of their 'London Home' The Jermyn Street store was open again, albeit in a much smaller format than previously, however fact is its there again, additionally anyone who visits the Bourdon House bar will find the experience most meditative, as its pretty much always empty, and as for the Gentlemans club, it would appear that no one ever goes there.  As an experiment in London, the format which works so well in Asia for Dunhill of Opening a One-Stop-Shop seems to have not been quite so sucessful.

Now onto Louis Vuitton, their latest London 'Maison' Has been opened in the last 2 weeks, and to say it is impressive is somewhat of an understatement.  Rather than bothering with the whole nonsense of creating a Club-Cum-Hotel-Cum-Store, they have concentrated on making it the most exciting shopping experience.  Following the footsteps of their Paris store they have created an in store exhibition, and offer every single product that it is possible to purchase from Louis Vuitton, including an in store bookstore, plus some London 'Maison' exclusives.

So come on Dunhill, give up the Pretensions and take a leaf out of the book of a business that actually knows ho to make money, little known fact here, the Paris Falgship store was during the recession the Only High end Brands Flagship store actually in profit, that is including Hermes, Dior and all the others, pretty strong indication they know what they are doing.

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