Thursday 14 October 2010

Vertu finally produce a phone that may be able to be called useful, the Constellation Quest.

For several years Vertu have been well known for producing blonde bimbo type mobile phones, that is to say pretty, expensive, useless and very likely to need changing quickly.  Although the original marketing around the very first mobile they produced was that it was a phone for life, that statement was quickly disproved as ludicrous, and a deluge of phones have been produced since then, including flips, sporty models, several special editions, and models with various levels of technology.  All of which will still sadly leave you needing to carry a Blackberry o iphone in the other pocket for data and email.

With this latest release vertu may finally have produced a mobile that can be in one pocket and be the only mobile one uses.  Being that all vertu mobile phones are essentially Nokias in pretty housings, this is obviously the innards on the E61 range, which is no bad thing as these are more than capable phones for all data needs.

Although the prices are sure to be very high, most likely being set at £3500 and up, the prospect of a fully capable luxury phone is far more enticing than one that needs a second phone as a back-up, even if it is one as pretty as the Ascent flip we wrote about here previously.

1 comment:

  1. The E61 is a very buggy model, if this vertu quest is based solely on the Nokia E61 then it will result in some very unhappy high spending individuals
