Friday 26 November 2010

Menaji (with a accent on the e) concealer, producing a viable mens foundation for years.

Although some men have come to terms with the idea of a comprehensive beauty regime differing on from a Women's in terms of the lack of Make-up as a requirement, most men still feel a little odd about using anything other than a bit of soap and water, and taking a Gilette to the face when needed.

For some 10 years now Menaji have been attempting to smash these preconceptions.  Perhaps the most anachronoistic product in most Men's minds would have to be foundation or concealer, something which girls need to hide unsightly blemishes, but Men just don't feel is neccessary.

With its simple selection of just three skin tones which magically blend to most any mens skin colour, and simple black and white Packaging, Menaji have it all sewn up, the Millions of sales to individual consumers and not just the celebrity make-up artists (where Menaji made its humble beginnings) prove that fact.

Availble now in most higher end Cosmetics stores for around £20 per tube.

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