Saturday 24 November 2012

Ralph Lauren Launches Vintage Collection And Bring It Back Teddy Bear Collection.

Following the failure of Ralph Lauren's Rugby range the company has quietly and without much fanfare cancelled the range, and is in the process of closing its stores.  Within the space of a few weeks after this news filtering its way through the grapevine, Ralph Lauren has announced officially the launch of a new range, called "RL Vintage", alongside a "Bring It Back" teddy bear themed collection, inspired by Ralph Lauren's own back catalogue, and some alternative Ralph Lauren history also.

According to the new capsule website at, Ralph himself has approved the collection, stating on the fronpage;

"I am happy to welcome you to RL Vintage, a very personal experience for collectors who share my love of craftsmanship, patina, heritage and personal style.  Each season, I will chose a selection of rare pieces from my design archives and curate them within one of the lifestyle themes that have inspired me for 45 years.

Not only will we offer these unique items, but we'll also share with you their individual history.  And because the passion of collectors is always inspiring, we will seek them out and share their journeys of discovery with you as well.

Enter the world of RL Vintage, and explore with me the spirit of a simpler kind of beauty that's connected to the past but not bound by it."

Obviously this is nothing more than marketing hyperbole, as in fact Ralph Lauren's Polo range and now defunct Rugby range, and their annoying Denim and supply range are all about vintage style, the point here is, they are attempting to offer "authentic" vintage, as in "this isn't vintage style, this is vintage from our archives". 

All of which is irrelevant in the long run, the key being that Ralph Lauren will be releasing some nice re-issues of old products, and some cute teddy bear type products alongside actual teddy bears, which we will all buy and enjoy, the extent to which the individual buys into all the marketing schtick is entirely up to them.

This first RL Vintage collection has a western theme, inspired by the 1985 Ralph Lauren seasonal collection, and the western themed pieces seen here are from that, and the "Bring it Back" collection, apparently inspired by the original Ralph Lauren Bear sweaters from 1991, which were inspired by a Teddy Bear given by staff to Ralph Lauren in 1990, the collection also pictured here, will have a seasonal re-issue of the bear swearer, along with a special teddy bear each season.

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