In Martin Scorcese's "The Departed", Matt Damon's corrupt police officer lives the high life, and one signifier of this is exceptionally expensive Mcintosh audio equipment. Now this brand, along with Sonus Faber, a company that sells loudspeakers that retail as high as $750,000, have been taken over by Bose.
This marks Bose's intention to move into the luxury audio market, currently occupied by Bang & Olufsen, and Devialet, and few others. By acquiring two of the most prestigious audiophile brands in existence, this seems an attainable goal.
It remains to be seen how Bose will translate this into actual workable products. Will they shutter the two brands? And release a "prestige" line of Bose products? Or take a different route, of simply running the businesses and profiting from them? Only time will tell.
One thing is clear however, Bose's mid-high level approach to the audio market has clearly won the day, and put them in a position to dominate the competition. While neither Mcintosh or Sonus Faber were failing businesses, people don't generally sell their companies unless they are failing, or simply can't compete. That's pretty obviously what's happened here. Mediocrity has won the day. Let's hope they don't degrade the firms they now own.
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