Ok, now I don't actually know if this can truly be regarded as new information or not, but it's news to me, so I thought I would write about it.
Around a week ago I popped into the Asprey store on Bond Street with a yellow unlined Linen Blazer that I had bought there around 3 years ago, I was hoping to get it altered, and perhaps to have a look at the new ready to wear for this season. I discovered that not only could they not repair it, they did not in fact even sell ready to wear any more!!
The Staff were as always exceptional in their service, apologizing , and explaining that apparently the decision came from a dispute that caused their manafacturer to not produce a spring/summer collection back in 2008, following this, and the farely low sales from the ready to wear Asprey stuff anyway, they decided in late 2008 to discontinue clothes altogether and focus on their core strengths, leatherwear and jewellery.
Well don't I feel out of the loop! I have been into Asprey several times in the last 2 years for various different small items, and never checked out their Clothing range, with the slightly awkward position it occupys at the lower-rear-mezzanine-back-of-the-store, it was totally possible to visit the jewellery, repairs and leather ware area without venturing anywhere near the clothing department, such as it was (well thats my excuse anyway).
I found a brief article on Luxist in 2008 mentioning the new direction, but not specifically explaining why, I am happy I found out the true reason myself though.
As I said the staff were outstanding in their customer services, even going so far as to trawl through their records to find the tailor they used to use and emailing his information to me.
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