Tuesday 1 May 2012

Bottega Veneta Add Personalisation To Their Line-Up.

Bottega Veneta have upped their already substantial game a little by adding personalisation options to their products. 

 In typically pragmatic italian fashion, they have made the process both accessible and cost effective, rather than the unfathomable mysteries of Personalisation the French Big names offer, such as Goyard for example, you need to send off an order form detailing what you want, it takes months to return, and don't even bother trying during august, the workshops are all on holiday, Bottega Veneta have created a dedicated website to make the process streamlined, accessible and effecient.

The top image is the front page you see when you visit www.bottegavenetainitials.com, the three circle are where you enter the three charaters you wish to have emblazoned on your items, it then takes you to a capsule website, which displays all the men's, women's and gift products that are available, along with example images as shown in the images here.

The premium is quite small, something like around £12 per character, and everything is clearly laid out, allowing you to select character size, position, and colour.  All in all a welcome addition to the somewhat confusing world of luxury good's personalisation.

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