Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Sunspel Ian Flemming Collection.

We love Sunspel, indeed, our post a few years back on the best white tee for men mentioned Sunspel, and was used by them on their website in their "press" section until recently.  So we are going to try to be objective here, but honestly,  this is an awesome little capsule from Sunspel.

Since Daniel Craig wore Sunpel clothing in Casino Royale, in particular, the Riviera Polo, the brand has been synonymous with James Bond.  A minimalist aesthetic, which has always been intrinsic to the brands identity, combined with the brand power of Bond, has allowed this 170 year old company to find a new audience.  This new collection nods to Ian Flemming, the creator of James Bond, who wrote many of his novels in his Jamaican home, Goldeneye, and was a fan of sea island cotton clothing.  For the uninitiated wanting a quick read, sea island cotton is the "Vicuna" of cotton, for those wanting to know more, read on.

Cotton quality is determined by the length of the staple, which is the length of the fibres taken from the cotton plant.  The longer the staple, the higher the quality.  Sea island cotton, which grows in tropical locations, was so named as it traditionally comes from the West Indies (although it is now cultivated in other locations), and is known as an "Extra Long Staple Cotton" due to having fibres more than 34mm in length.The advantages of this for consumers is a softer fabric, more resistant to wear, which rather than degrading over time, improves from wash to wash.  

To the untrained eye, these products look like the standard Sunspel offerings, and they are, with the exception of the fact that each is crafted from this ultra-rare, premium quality cotton.  The price of course reflects this, with tee's starting from £115, unadorned with logos or branding, which will likely put off mant.  But this is not a collection for those people, this is for those who appreciate quality over trends.

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