Thursday, 24 July 2014

Swash Express Clothing Care Device.

New from Whirlpool and Proctor & Gamble comes a revolutionary home clothing care system, designed to both keep clothes fresh, and reduce your dry cleaning bills.

This remarkable little device slots out of sight, adjacent to a wardrobe for example, and then, when you want to freshen up your clothes, pull the slot out, hang the clothes, pop a pod into the recepticle, and then, after 10 minutes, using only steam and air, your clothes will be fresh, and pressed.

It is in essence, a stylish home steamer, which can also eliminate odours, it has the potential to reduce your dry cleaning bills by up to 60%, as generally, a large portion of dry cleaning visits tend to be for odours and creases rather than stains, and this little machine cannot remove stains.

The Swash is available exclusively in the US at the moment, specifically at Bloomingdales, but expect a worldwide roll-out if it becomes a big hit.  The device costs £400 per unit.

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