Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Globetrotter Alexander Mcqueen Luggage.

Lets be honest, the only people likely to be using Globetrotter luggage in the busy modern age of international travel fall into two specific groups, those who think its terribly 'fun' to use old fashioned luggage, they may have bought it second hand, or be foolish enough to pay full price for heavy luggage which only gets heavier when you fill it up, and secondly people who don't actually carry their own luggage.

This new selection of two bag designed by Alexander Mcqueen for Globetrotter are more likely to be for the second category, as we can't imagine seeing them in a thrift store.  All black, decked out in metal studs, and lined in Mcqueen's trademark skull print, costing £850 and £1850 for the small and large sizes, we suggest you should only use this on board your private jet, as on a commercial airline it's likely the studs will be knocked off in transit.

Available now in limited quantities from Globetrotters online store.

1 comment:

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