Saturday 5 June 2021

Salvatore Garau's Non-Existent "Io Sono", Huge Joke Or Serious Statment?

Salvatore Garau has caused quite the controversy by reportedly selling a sculpture which does not exist.  The Italian artist attempted to retail an immaterial sculpture last month, titled "Buddha in Contemplation", however that did not attract as much attention as the latest "Io Sono", which apparently sold for $18,000.

In a statement to Newsweek on the non-existent sculpture Garau said that the sculpture exists "in a vacuum", saying "The vacuum is nothing more than a space full of energy, and even if we empty it and there is nothing left according to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle that, 'nothing' has a weight. Therefore it has energy which is condensed and transformed into particles, that is, into us".  Additionally Garau gave instructions on how to display the piece, saying that it should be displayed in a 5ft by 5ft square in a private space without artificial light or air conditioning.  

As might well be expected, this has created a slew of commentary, however, it is likely that was the purpose.  It is highly probable that Garau, like many if not all artists observed the rise and proliferation of NFT art, and decided that it is creating in effect an "emperors new clothes" effect in the art world.  Garau is the first artist to have the gumption to publicly create a piece that makes a statement on this without directly criticising NFT art, and we applaud Garau in this bold move.  

We question indeed whether the work was bought at all in truth, and if rather this was a publicity stunt to draw attention to this dry, and insightful, criticism of the new direction art has been dragged towards over the last 12 months.  We believe that such a move would be justified and appropriate in conveying this important message.


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