Sunday 17 April 2022

American Express Charge Cards Terminate Cash Withdrawal In UK


We enjoy writing about matters concerning the good life, luxury goods, epicurean delights, and things pertaining to that general environment, and pointing out flaws, issues and problems.  American Express Charge Card's still retain a certain cachet of exclusivity, despite them being able to be obtained by most anyone, so when we were informed UK American Express card holders would no longer be able to withdraw cash, we felt it worth commenting on.

According to several reputable sources, in particular Centurion and Platinum card holders, American Express have sent a letter to them informing them that as of late June 2022, the company will no longer offer cash withdrawal in the United Kingdom for it's customers.

While the UK is becoming a largely cashless society, and therefore this move is not entirely ludicrous, what is extremely odd is that this also includes cash withdrawals in foreign countries.  Therefore a UK registered American Express Charge Card holder stranded abroad will no longer be able to rely on their American Express card to withdraw cash in emergencies, and will have to use a debit card or American Express Credit Card if they have one.

This is a very strange choice by the company.  Especially as many nations outside of the UK are very cash dependant.  It really leaves card holders forced to carry an additional card, which entirely defeats the object of the "one card for everything" nature of the American Express card, along with. as mentioned, removing a vital element of security and re-assurance the American Express card provided in foreign lands.

We think this choice may be motivated by costs associated with cash withdrawals, and in order to save the bottom line for American Express.  However, they seem to know this is not a wise move, as the letter shown to us is worded in the most ambiguous terms possible.  We hope this decision is reversed by American Express UK, as since many retailers don't accept the card, by removing the cash withdrawal service both domestically and internationally you give consumers one less reason to want an American Express Charge Card.

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