Monday 14 March 2011

Hermes Finally complete their ithing selection of cases with and ipad case - still behind the times though.

After the opening Ipad case which Hermes announced put produced in numbers too limited to truly be regarded as a production run, it's nice to see they have finally produced a proper sensible ipad sleeve like this one.

With their existing iphone case, this leaves them with a full range of cases for apple's ubiquitous products - sort of - as we all know the ipad2 has just been announced, so this case is one generation behind the times, and as for their current iphone case, it is for the 3Gs, a generation old, and doesn't fit the new ipod 4 at all.

However if any-one would like to cover their 1st generation ipad in the worlds finest leather, pop to Hermes and pay £400

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