Tuesday 14 June 2011

Havianas Collaborate with Missoni to produce a limited edition flip flop, espadrille and scarf.

Havianas have successfully managed from humble origins in Brasil to become a multinational and indeed global brand.  Their affordable and simple flip-flops are a uniform for a multitude of peoples around the world, in hotter countries they are a staple, and even in more temperate climes such as good old blighty they still manage to be a go to for many people in summer.

Missoni on the other hand is a global luxury brand who have firmly established themselves as an almost Pucci like brand, with eclectic and vibrant colourings in their complex chevrn type knits.  Sweaters, shirts, tee shirts, curtains, bedding fabrics and even wallpaper, missoni's patterns have crossed many different genre's and boundaries.

This collaboration therefore represents something quite exciting, a real border crossing for these two brands at seeming polar opposites. The collaboration has produced flip-flops (naturally), esdpadrille, and scarf at present, and possibly other items in the future.

Available now from Havianas online store and priced as expected quite reasonably, they can be purchased by any-one interested right away.

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