Monday 20 June 2011

Steuben's new luxury glass collection, the Luminescent Crystal collection.

Established in Corning New-York in 1903 by a cut glass manufacturer and Frederick Carver, and English glass designer.  Carver whose great love was coloured glass, the company has gone through several transitions during its lifetime, swinging between producing exclusively fancy glass, coloured glass, and clear glass, and has become a firmly established and well loved luxury glass maker for the worlds consumers.

This latest collection represents both a collaboration - another in a series of prestigous collaborations in Steuben's history, some of which have included Salvador Dali - and a celebration, a collaboration with the Painter Ross Bleckner, and a celebration of a return to the fancy coloured glass that the company built its name on so many years ago.

The collection will include classic Steuben items in 3 colour ways, The spiral bowl, Olive dish, Low footed bowl, Trillium bowl and little hankerchief vase will be made avaiable in Indigo, Sunset and Smoke, and in Autumn of this year will see six extra items added to the collection in the colours of Earth and Amber.

In addition to the new Glassware collection the Artist Ross Bleckner has designed this large glass sculpture, which has been made by Steuben, entitled Pharmakinetic, it represents the molecular structure of LSD, is the largest Sculpture ever produced by Steuben and cost $38,000.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this acknowledgment. We are truly proud of this historic collection.
