Wednesday 5 October 2011

Theo Fennell Coronet Rings celebrate the lost aristocracy.

Many Years ago finding a member of the aristocracy was not difficult, in every country in the world they could be found pretty much anywhere, in street cafes, restaurants, bars, pubs, they would spend more time out of their Castles Palaces and stately homes than in them.  Nowadays however the few remaining members of that dying breed, spend most of their time out of the public eye, owing to many various reasons including wastrel offspring, exorbidant death taxes, a lack of Heirs, the need to run vast estates that require to be kept profitable or they would become part of the National Trusts portfolio, and for the most part, an overbearing media which takes far too much interest in the few remaining true members of the old guard.

So all thats left now is lots of ex Public schoolboys who pretend they have titles, or who's familys may have had generations ago, but went broke for many or any of the reasons mentioned.  The Aristorcracy Identify themselves by Back in the 'good' old days, the various different grades and levels would identify themselves of which level they were at by small crown, impractical to wear in public, this crown would be displayed on the heraldic crest of the family, and in some cases on a family ring, in fact many nobles would choose to display the coronet on their luggage, and firms such as Louis Vuitton and Goyard, who always have done swift trade with Royalty, would upon proof, hand paint the coronet, depending upon the level one were at, the crown would appear different.

And it is this heritage which Theo Fennell's new Ring Collection harks back to, a selection of different rings, each one reminiscent of a coronet grade the selection is as follows - although it should be noted in reality there are far more coronets than these few.

Note: These rings start in price from £11,500.

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