Thursday 25 October 2012

A Suit That Fits Load Your Lining Service.

A suit that fits, the budget online tailoring solution which offers a tailored suit ordered online and delivered to your door for £259 have come far from humble beginnings, an internet startup from two ambitious young British entrepeneurs, they have managed to go become a well respected firm in a remarkably short amount of time.

Now they have decided to give those who like a flashy lining an extra option, instead of just a bright colour or selection of swatches, their new "load your lining" is an excellent example of outside the box thinking typical of modern businesses, why be satisfied with merely a selection?  Rather, for just £90 above the standard cost of the tailoring service you can upload your favourite image, view how it will look, approve it, and have that as your lining instead.

The service is online and available now, so if you are interested, head over to now to order one.

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