Monday 8 October 2012

Theo Fennell Porthole Cufflinks.

This product from Theo Fennell manages to be both charming, elegant, and rather bizzare.  The product is a pair of cufflinks, in the shape of ships portholes, cast from solid 18k White Gold, with a hinged mechanism allowing the 'windows' to open, each one with an enamel painted scene of a German WW2 battleship on them, the Bismark on the left, and the Tirpitz on the right.  They are available now and cost £9500 per pair.

Obviously as a nation the British isles are no longer at war with Germany, and we have all long moved on from the xenophobia of Germans that typified the post war years, 60 years of an integrated Europe long put any past squabbles behind us, the EC, EEC, EU and any other institution firmly aimed at integration has ensured that our attitudes towards our teutonic cousins, and theirs towards their anglo saxon neighbours, are ones of healthy competition and looking towards a bright and profitable future together as one vast super-state.

All that being said however, and as attractive as these cufflinks may be, there is something quite strange about a pair of cufflinks made by a British jeweller with pictures of German WW2 battleships painted on them, barring the requests of a private client, which these are not as they are available for general sale, we may even go as far as to say they are in slightly bad taste.

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