Sunday 11 October 2020

Bad Taste Made Real - Acne Stockholm Syndrome Collection

Stockholm syndrome is defined as "a condition in which hostages develop a psychological alliance with their captors during captivity".  The condition was first noticed following a bank robbery at the former Kreditbanken building in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1973, where the hostages defended their captors after being released, refusing to testify in court against the bank robbers.  A dramatised account of this is, at time of writing, available to see on Amazon Prime called "The Captor".

This is a serious condition, and while it has never been included in the Diagnostic and Statistivcal Manual of Mental Disorders, it has been recorded on several occasions, including some which has involved elements of abuse.

What better way to remember such a traumatising event, and the damaging psychological syndrome that happened as a result of it, than profiting from it?  Fashion has once again pushed the boundaries of good taste, by shamelessly benefiting from the tradegy, and this particular occasion of profiteering has gone all out, no holds barred.

Acne Studios, who are responsible for this, have first, overhauled and renovated the former bank, following which, they made it their flagship store.  Not content with this ghoulish act, they created a "Stockholm syndrome" collection, in case anyone might be under the impression they were not aware of the site's history.  The capsule of pieces. covered in news clippings of the events from Swedish and worldwide news sources, can be purchased online, and in their new flagship store.  

We feel this is the apogee of bad taste.  The renovation of the site is one matter, but to commercialise terrible events, and nakedly profit from them in this manner, is appalling. 

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