Saturday 17 October 2020

Rimowa "Update" Classic Collection In Black.


You might notice the inverted commas around the word update in the title of this entry, that's deliberate.  It's out opinion that this alteration to the the original Rimowa design is a bad one.  In fact, we believe it's quite ludicrous.  

At the risk of sounding conservative, a "classic" is something that should not be altered.  To qualify this, some alterations are beneficial, as to refuse to make changes is very unwise, and can leave, in some cases, products unusable.  The changes should be subtle, and reflect the changing times, an example being the small updates made to the classic collection over the years.  This new change goes far beyond.

By deciding to daub the range in matte black they have turned the meaning of "classic" into nothing but a marketing tool, designed for profit, and in no way attempting to hold true to the values of the brand or any values.  

We were cautiously optimistic when LVMH acquired an 80% stake in Rimowa, and concerned when one of the owners sons was appointed CEO.  It seems that in pursuit of the bottom line, the brand is loosing any sense of what it once was.

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