Sunday 29 November 2020

Rimowa Never Still Soft Luggage Collection


Following making the classic collection not classic anymore by adding multiple colour choices, Rimowa's next great design choice  is to add soft-luggage collections to it's product selection.

The brand which has only ever been known for one thing, aluminum luggage, is now going to become just another luggage brand, which offers just another selection of products.  It is sad that the new-blood brought in to design and make product ranges that make money for LVMH acquisitions fail to appreciate the DNA of the brands they are working on.  And disappointing that the future vision these short sighted money hungry companies seem to desperately want is every brand offering every product, just with different brand logos on them, but that is where we are and where things are headed.

It's strange in fact to imagine the mindset of people who think like this.  We challenge you to try conceptualise for a moment.  Forget what you know, and cast your mind back to how you perceived LV and Rimowa 30 years ago, what image came to your mind? You probably just thought of a bag, and aluminium luggage right?

Now bring your mind to the present, how do you perceive those two brands today?  When you try thinking of LV your head explodes with the weight of products they sell, in fact, it's a bit like an upmarket luxury Amazon isn't it?  And this is where the owners and investors in these companies want to take things.  Not unique craftsman making high quality luxury goods specialising in one or a few products, but warehouse's selling more expensive versions of everything you can get anywhere else.

The new rage from Rimowa is taking the brand a step towards that dismal future.  The totes and duffels, all the products, they're all, well, fine.  They're Fine.  And that's the problem, high quality, solid, backed by effusive hyperbole from the marketing team and CEO press releases, but they are boring.  And Rimowa just lost a little more of its uniqueness and shine by adding these.

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