Saturday 26 June 2021

Tiffany & Co Tokyo Exclusive Sports Capsule.


To celebrate the 160-year history of Tiffany making sports trophies the brand has decided to launch a pop-up capsule at its Cat Street location in Tokyo.  This celebratory collection comprises a soccer ball, rugby ball, basket ball and skateboard.

Quite why and how these are a celebration of Tiffany's history of making sports trophies is unclear.  However, LVMH acquired Tiffany in January of 2021, and as most are aware, Louis Vuitton is exceptionally fond of sports, having launched now featured two seasons of NBA themed collections, and stating it's intentions to continue with the same moving forward. 

Whatever the case, these novelty pieces are available from July 2nd to August 31 in the Cat Street Tokyo store with prices ranging from  £170.

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