Sunday 24 October 2021

Acronym 2021/2022 Selection Launches Two Slightly Novel Silhouettes


Acronym continues to survive, despite no advertising, little to no promotion, and virtually no distribution.  On the one hand you have to admire in changing and volatile times a brand bucking the trends of marketing and existing on, mostly, word of mouth alone.  Unfortunately it must be said that this ultra high end techwear brand is beginning to become somewhat stale in its offerings.  Pretty much all its pieces have a similar shape and concept to the J47-GT "interops" jacket, and are all really versions of this in one form or another.

This is not necessarily a bad thing.  Having a "look" can single you out in a crowded market.  However the danger with such an approach, an especially when selling ultra high end pricy goods, is that once everyone who might want your products has them, then your customer base had dried up.

It's nice then to see that alongside the typical pieces Acronym has tried to think outside the box a little this season.  With the J16-GT which has some serious urban samurai vibes coming from the shoulder-pads, and the, almost cuddly, Windstopper, Primaloft, Modular Liner Jacket.

Prices are predictably eye-watering.  The J16-Gt costing £1,400.00 and the Liner coming in at £1,200.00.  However, Acronym is more of a cult than merely a clothing brand.

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