Tuesday 14 February 2012

Tsumori Chisato collaboration with Laduree.

Another special product by Laduree to commemorate their 150th anniversary, this time in a collaboration with Tsumori Chisato, it will celebrate both Laduree's birthday year, and the traditional Japanese Cherry Blossom Festival period, which stretches from the end of March to Mid, and sometimes the end of April, and sees the cherry blossom's blown right across Japan up to the heights of Hokkaido.

The collection which will be released on the 1st of March, will include a special edition Macaron Flavour, which has been designed in collaboration with French Chef Vincent Lemains, which features a delicate pink cherry blossom flavour, and a Pink Cherry blossom Scented Candle, both of which will be supplied in a special box, which features Artwork in Chisato's colourful style.

The Boxed set will be priced at £25 for 12, and the candle will cost £40.

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