Sunday 1 November 2020

Goyard Begin Online Sales But Not As You Might Expect.


At first blush the fact that Goyard, a brand which prior to 2017 had nothing other than a basic website with information of store locations, a company which does not advertise, and which refuses to do so, is now consenting to online sales, might suggest they are feeling the economic pinch of the global pandemic, and are affected by the downturn in the luxury goods industry.  However, it would be foolish to assume such a thing with Goyard.

In fact, what has happened is Goyard have merely provided a webform for interested customers to notify them of products they want, and to order by distance selling.  This is not a new development, Goyard have always allowed customers to order by the telephone, specifying which product they want, and having the items delivered to an address of their choosing.

There is no "product selection", no "add to basket", this is not, as some would have you believe, Goyard opening a webstore.  They are just advising customers of a facility which always existed, the ability to order products without requiring a visit to a store.

Indeed, it's likely Goyard would rather cease trading than engage in such practices, 

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