Saturday 20 March 2021

Bottega Veneta Coiled Collection Jewellery.


Over the last few days Bottega Veneta have been roundly criticised for producing jewellery that bears a suspicious resemblance to a telephone cord.  Diet_Prada proclaimed that Bottega is "the new vetements", and put an instagram post up with two images, one of these necklaces with their £1,800 price tag, and one with a bag of telephone cords for 0.99p. The Daily Mail followed suit, with a predictably hyperbolic piece which referred to "baffled shoppers".

Any story which involves the Daily Mail should attract a measure of scrutiny, and indeed, on closer inspection, this does not appear to be a conspiracy to produce a novelty line of telephone cord jewellery as a prank to see who might be foolish enough to pay for it.  In fact the necklaces are merely two pieces from an entire range of Bottega jewellery called the "Coiled" collection.

So there you  have it, while ugly, uninspired, and rather dull, the world of fashion is not attempting to amuse itself at your stupidity, just making another selection of badly designed tat.

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