Saturday, 4 November 2023

Rimowa Miss Entire Point Of Their Luggage with Distinct Leather Luggage.

Someone really needs to sit down and have a chat with the design team at Rimowa, because they have completely missed the purpose of their core brand identity, and are now veering off into some serioualy odd territory.  

It started with the launch of their range of soft bags, and we thought they had course corrected by creating leather luggage harnesses that go round hard-sided luggage, therefore giving much needed additional capacity.  However, we were wrong, they have doubled down and launched leather versions of their hard cabin luggage.

The absolute wrongness of this move is staggering.  Rimowa's brand is hard luggage in aluminium, and maybe polycarbonate.  The entire point is to have hard-wearing bags that can withstand environmental and travel pressures, and which are not made from easily destructible materials.  Rimowa's own website (currently) sets out the history of the brand, and directly refers to the reason for the grooved aluminium luggage being to be resistant to extremes, and stack easily.  Why make a leather bag in the shape of an aluminium one?  It beggars belief how dumb this is.

Perhaps you disagree, and want to pay £2,490 for a leather cabin bag shaped like an aluminium one.  If so, they will be available in both black and navy.  However, we suggest, more fool you.

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